新港报告“语言文学”系列第四讲—— 文学文化系列 从图灵到麦克尤恩:文学中的人工智能、谎言与伦理困境 From Turing to McEwan: AI, Lies and Ethical Dilemma in Literature

来源: 发布时间:2019年11月28日 点击数:

Taking the latest science fiction Machines Like Me as its point of departure, this talk intends to examine Ian McEwan’s rejoinder to Alan Turing across time. By focusing on the machine Adam’s engagements with human life, the protagonist Miranda’s lies and respective responses from the humans and the machine in particular, this talk tries to tackle with three general issues: (1)the challenges of the machines to the human subjectivity in the AI age; (2)the ethical pursuit of the humans and machines with regard to lies and truth; (3)The humans’ responsibility for the machine.

下一篇:未来已来,唯变不变 — 对新科技革命的思考